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BOOST Dressing Moteur 10 Ltr.
SCHOLL Concepts Sarl Logo
Dressing haut de gamme satiné pour le compartiment moteur. Peut sans problème être pulvérisé sur les pièces humides du moteur. Pas besoin d’essuyer. Le dressing innovant du moteur peut également être appliqué sur des surfaces de moteur légèrement humides sans laisser de taches. BOOST ne contient pas d'ingrédients nocifs pour la santé et est exempt d'hydrocarbures. Nettoyer soigneusement le compartiment moteur encrassé avec le nettoyant moteur universel SPAM ou RAPID. Pulvériser ensuite BOOST uniformément dans le compartiment moteur à l'aide d'un pulvérisateur à pompe et laisser sécher pendant environ 15 minutes - c'est terminé ! Il n'est pas nécessaire d'essuyer les surfaces traitées !
Utilisateur: Carrossier, Detailer, Enthousiaste

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60 years of experience in paint finishing solutions

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Headquartered in Remseck, Germany, SCHOLL Concepts GmbH has been catering to the requirements of the car care industry for 60 years by providing premium, innovative car care and maintenance systems for the automotive repair and paint industry. Our commitment and passion to create the perfect paint finish has made us one of the global leaders in innovative and customised solutions and the leading experts for comprehensive paint finish solutions.

Our corporate culture focuses on providing premium products and services. To implement this strategy, we pursue an integrated approach. High-grade, innovative and unique products and ideas can only develop when this philosophy is an integral part of our corporate culture and all processes, facilities and equipment are geared to meet the highest quality demands. Thanks to their distinctive brand names, among other features, our pre- mium products are easily identifiable and enjoy a high level of awareness.



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Our life is defined by 3 spatial dimensions and as biological beings we developed in 3 dimensions. So what could be more natural than viewing our business in 3 dimensions? Get to know our unique B2B concept: SCHOLL Concepts does not just develop high quality and individual premium products but also an intelligent overall concept for their effective commercialization.