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SpiderPad navy-blue M 145/25 mm
SCHOLL Concepts Sarl Logo
Disque à structure cellulaire ouverte Premium de dureté élevée. La composition innovante, résistante à la chaleur assure l’uniformité et la constance des principes abrasifs.
Polish correspondant: S2 Black
Utilisateur: Carrossier, Detailer
taille: M

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Polishing pads are made up of different materials and come in different shapes and sizes. The choice of the right kind of pad, however, depends mainly on the application and required cut. Lambskin polishing pads have given rise to one of the most common misconceptions we have about polishing pads. The lambskin pad is the most abrasive polishing pad with the highest cut that we know of. The differences between the various polishing pads are as follows:


Premium SOFTouch Topwool
Premium polishing pad made from 100% natural wool and integrated orange foam interface layer, for maximum cutting performance on fresh and worn paint surfaces.

Sandwich SpiderPad (black/white)
Innovative foam pad with calibrated surface and double-layer structure for maximum cutting performance and low heat build-up on fresh paint surfaces.

SpiderPad (navy-blue)
Firm, reticulated premium polishing pad. A brand new, unique heat-resistant foam composition provides a steady and consistent cutting performance.

Polishing pad (purple)
Superior, firm foam pad with a coarse porous structure, ideal for paint detailing applications. The tear-resistant, reticulated foam composition provides maximum durability.

FINE (5)
All-purpose sponge (orange)
This all-purpose, semi-firm pad with a fine, closed-cell foam structure is ideal for final finish and sealing applications.

FINE (6)
SpiderPad Neo (yellow)
This fine porous, reticulated hybrid pad with a calibrated surface was designed for the efficient application of the NEO Polymer Protection. Ideal for removing holograms.

SOFTouch-Waffle Pad (black)
Extremely fine and soft foam pad with an extra orange interface layer for controlling contact pressure on the surface to be polished.

If the pad begins to dust or stick during polishing, it is time to clean and remove the accumulated dirt and used polish from it. The easiest way to do this is by using the cleaning brush. Simply press the brush against the rotating pad at low speed and allow the bristles to brush the dirt out. After polishing, all pads can be washed out with water and a little cleaning agent. Note that lambskin pads should be left wet and re-attached with the Velcro face onto the polishing plate in order to prevent them from shrinking and losing their shape.

This can be caused by various reasons:

a) The polisher is turned on before bringing the pad into contact with the paint (frequent beginner’s error)
b) Polisher speed too high
c) Too much polish
d) Tilting of polisher / formation of dust when polishing edges
e) Use of new pad that has not yet been worn in
f) Fresh pad, into which the polishing compound has not been distributed evenly prior to polishing

1. Make sure that the entire surface of each new pad is coated sparingly and evenly with the required polish. (Note: Any part of the pad that is not coated with polish may cause micro-scratches.)
2. The rubbing compound should be spread across several points onto the paint surface with the pad and then distributed evenly and rubbed in (BEFORE TURNING ON THE POLISHER). The aim is to have sufficient unused rubbing compound over the entire surface in order to ensure a uniform cut.
3. Now set the polisher/pad onto the paint surface and check whether you have set the polisher to the right speed.
4. The actual polishing process can now begin. Switch on the polisher.
5. Proceed by applying the compound in a criss-cross movement. Make sure that the area of the surface you wish to work on is not too large. Always remember: you should be able to cover the selected surface from one comfortable position.

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60 ans d'expérience dans les solutions de finition de peinture

Basée à Remseck, en Allemagne, SCHOLL Concepts GmbH répond depuis 60 ans aux besoins de l'industrie de l'entretien automobile en proposant des systèmes d'entretien et de maintenance haut de gamme et innovants pour l'industrie de la réparation et de la peinture automobile. Notre engagement et notre passion pour la création d'une finition de peinture parfaite ont fait de nous l'un des leaders mondiaux en matière de solutions innovantes et personnalisées et les principaux experts en matière de solutions complètes de finition de peinture.
 Notre culture d'entreprise est axée sur la fourniture de produits et de services de qualité supérieure. Pour mettre en œuvre cette stratégie, nous adoptons une approche intégrée. Des produits et des idées de haute qualité, innovants et uniques ne peuvent se développer que si cette philosophie fait partie intégrante de notre culture d'entreprise et si tous les processus, installations et équipements sont adaptés pour répondre aux exigences de qualité les plus élevées. Grâce, entre autres, à leurs noms de marque distinctifs, nos produits de prémium sont facilement identifiables et bénéficient d'un haut niveau de notoriété.



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